[Trailer] “The Good Stars”: a new family chronicle by Hirokazu Kore-eda

The Japanese director won the Palme d’Or in 2018 for “A Family Affair”.

After a Palme d’or in 2018 for the very beautiful A family matter, Hirokazu Kore-eda returns with a new family chronicle that earned the actor Parasite Song Kang-Ho.

The Lucky Stars tells the story of two accomplices earning money on the sale of babies while having the paternal fiber. They soon find themselves with a new baby whose mother is quick to reappear to retrieve the infant. An unprecedented family configuration is thus created, as in A family matterand we understand that family ties go beyond blood ties.

In the cast, we find Song Kang-Ho (Parasite) et Kang Dong-won (Peninsula) as the two accomplices, Bae Doo-na (Cloud Atlas, Sense 8), Lee Ji-eun et Lee Joo-young (Baseball Girl). The film will be released in theaters on December 7.


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