The courses of Asd Judo Buzzi Unicem – La Guida resume

Robilante – With the resumption of the school year, the doors of the Asd Judo Buzzi Unicem reopened, in the Robilante headquarters at the Social Center and in Borgo San Dalmazzo at the Gym Body Center.

“We are very happy – says Leonardo Nicosia, sixth Dan black belt master – to have resumed the activity with the two shifts, the first up to the sixth grade, the second with adults, in full compliance with the requirements regarding air circulation in the gym, sanitizing the tatami and so on “.

“As always – adds Paolo Torassa, president of Asd Judo Buzzi Unicem – my thanks go to those who for years have helped me to carry on the subject of the sport of judo, to the boys and girls who participate and to the parents who trust us with their children; my wish is to continue without the blocks of the recent past because, applying the procedures provided by our federation FIJLKAM, Italian Federation of Judo Fight Karate Karate Martial Arts, we should no longer stop, it would be deleterious on a physical and psychological level for everyone “.

“Over the next few months – concludes Torassa – our athletes will be involved in interesting and instructive competitions in which they will surely be honored ”.


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