The basketball sector rose 0.63% on October 27, led by Jinling Sports, with a net outflow of 12.6827 million main funds – Leju Finance

The basketball sector rose 0.63% on October 27, led by Jinling Sports, and the net outflow of main funds was 12.6827 million yuan

Securities Star 2022-10-28 05:56 1189 read

On October 27, the basketball sector rose 0.63% from the previous trading day, led by Jinling Sports. The Shanghai Composite Index closed at 2982.9 that day, down 0.55%. The Shenzhen Component Index closed at 10750.14, down 0.63%. The rise and fall of basketball sector stocks are shown in the following table:

From the perspective of capital flow, the net outflow of the main funds of the basketball sector was 12.6827 million yuan, the net outflow of hot funds was 16.3747 million yuan, and the net inflow of retail funds was 29.0574 million yuan. The capital flow of individual stocks in the basketball sector is shown in the following table:


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