Scammer Limberský faces charges of extortion: He is being ridiculed on social networks. Novotný called him a morning glory, Tvrdík also responded

The police charged a total of four men aged 37, 39, 46 and 48. “All four are suspected of extorting four million crowns from a man from Karlovy Vary at gunpoint, which Limberský should have provided to him in the past for the purchase of computer equipment for cryptocurrency mining,” Pravo informed.

According to the Právo source, Limberský should have shouted at the victim that he had robbed him and that he wanted his money back. Immediately, another of the four accused asked the guests present to leave the lounge. Then this man allegedly sat down next to the victim, pulled out a gun, with which he first hit him in the back of the head and then put it to his head and repeatedly asked him when he would return the money. They let the man go after he promised to return the money by the end of November.

Tvrdík returned it with interest

Slavist boss Jaroslav Tvrdík also reacted immediately to the latest trouble of the Pilsen legend, who he immediately pulled a spring article on his Twitterwhere Limberský criticizes the behavior of the red-and-white fans and writes about the assistant Houštecký as “the shame of all Slavia.” “Now we are clear about what the culture of the upper social class looks like. We still have a lot to learn.” he cut an ironic bow to Limbersky.

At the same time, Tvrdík responded to the apology of journalist Luďek Mádl, who mistakenly shortened the text in the article so that it sounded like it was Limberský who was holding the pistol. “David just watched as his partner he brought to the meeting put a gun to someone’s head. Blackmailed with a gun. Do not apologize,” wrote Tvrdík under Mádl’s public apology.

Pavel Novotný and the well-known satirist TMBK also spoke

Even the mayor of Řeporyj, Pavel Novotný, who is a well-known fan of Slavia, did not leave a thread dry on “Limbo”. “I’m always surprised that she’s even more of a moron than I thought the last time I thought she wouldn’t make a bigger fool of herself. That it can’t be done. He had a hard time giving birth. The judge of acumen has fucked him up more than anyone she entrusts money to.” Novotný didn’t take napkins and added the hashtag #jitrnicenaceleacuchnalidi with the position “Idiot”.

People are having fun on Limberský’s account as well as on the profile of the well-known satirist TMBK, who shared a photo montage showing how David Limberský aims a gun at a person (photo HERE). The biased journalist, in turn, criticized Limberský’s controversial goal celebration after the trouble with the crashed Bentley. Instead of an imaginary steering wheel, Limberský holds a pistol.

This is not the first time that Limberský has bet on the wrong horse when investing. There is a well-known case where Čenek Pazderek lured over five million from a football player under the pretext of a joint business with luxury cars. For this, the court sent him to prison for seven years for fraud.

The icing on the cake is the already mentioned luxury Bentley, which, as a former captain of Pilsen, he crashed under the influence of alcohol in Prague’s Smíchov. He tried to run away from the scene of the accident, he threatened the police after his arrest.

Source:, Právo, Twitter, Instagram,,


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