Plus belle la vie: how did Michel Cordes react to Roland’s death?

The end of Plus belle la vie is approaching. A few days after the death of Roland Marci, Michel Cordes reacted to the death of his character.

the end of More beautiful life fast approaching. A few weeks before the end of the series, fans had to say goodbye to one of the most emblematic characters. Roland (Michel Cordes) is deceased. A blow for the actor. MCE TV tells you everything from A to Z!

A terrible loss for Plus belle la vie

In a few weeks, fans of More beautiful life will have to say goodbye to the series. Very sad news for the most loyal viewers who have been following the adventures of the Mistral with avidity for years.

But as the show prepares to leave the small screen, fans have had to face the death of an iconic character. Roland Marci has passed away.

A blow for lovers of More beautiful life, but also for actors. Laurent Kérusoré, alias Thomas Marci, was also shocked by this terrible scene.

« Michel had no problem with the idea of ​​leaving. He wanted to stop. He allowed us a beautiful story, a beautiful family story. With Michel, we must have shot thousands of sequences together. We have very strong ties.”

This is what the star actor of More beautiful life said in a recent interview for Télé Loisirs. He also added: « Already reading the scripts, I was in tears.«

“The day after we shot the scene where Roland collapses, we shot the one at the funeral home. Michel had agreed to be in the coffin – I don’t know if I could have – and, as soon as I saw him, I was overwhelmed with emotion. »

“I saw those eighteen years of filming again. Besides, I believe that I mourned the series from the moment I shot Roland’s death. » For Laurent Kérusoré, Roland’s death is a way to turn the page More beautiful life. But what does the interpreter of the deceased character think of it?

Michel Cordes comes out of silence after the death of Roland

Like all the actors of More beautiful life, Michel Cordes is also saddened by stopping the series. “I regret this decision. »

« This series will remain unique in history of French television, by its duration, its success. For me, it’s a little less serious because I’m 77 years old. I had already slowed down so I will not run into the difficulties that young actors and technicians will encounter.he launched in the columns of Télé Star.

However, he does not seem to question the death of his character. On the contrary, the actor of More beautiful life even find that ” logic “.

“There was a deal with the production. I agreed to come back but not for very long and not very often. It was the production manager himself who called me to tell me that they wanted to kill Roland. I was not surprised […] The tribe being suppressed, the totem had to be knocked down. It’s logic. »

One thing is certain, it is that the death of Roland has upset more than one!


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