orphan generation

Recently I have seen one of those videos that run through the networks and set hearts on fire. A video that shows a group of boys and girls, high school and university students, who ask them basic questions such as who is Felipe Gonzalez, what continent is Spain on, what are the cardinal points, what are judo athletes called… In short, a test for young people of this generation whose grandparents, parents and others have worked hard so that they have it easy , the next. If you can spend three minutes watching it, you will surely want to take your own life because you will understand that our effort has been in vain and that our pensions, now, are hanging by a thread despite José Luis Escrivá, the minister who does not give one with our future.

But they are not believed, these videos are not a reliable sample because it is not 100% of the interviewees, only a selection of them, they are only exposed to the whips on duty to swell up laughing or cut their veins, it depends on with what humor I fuck you the day you see it. But, even though it is a product made on purpose to generate spectacle, it has been done because there are numerous groups of young people whose future worries them zero or nothing, because they have been raised and educated for that, to be nothing, to become a shapeless mass of sheep-like human beings, of uncritical thinking and manipulable with total security and ease. 40 years contemplate us!

A recent study has summarized that the current profile of young people between the ages of 14 and 25 (or older) is that they are climate activists; relativistic mentality and with a tendency to veganism; animalists me speciesists, without being clear about what each thing is because they are moved by sentimentality; he has not worked in his life and lives off his parents, whom he hates because they do not understand him; blames his sentimental pain on previous generations; she is anti-capitalist although if you ask her she doesn’t know what it is to be a capitalist; she carries an iPhone, wears designer shoes and clothing, and dresses with apparent slovenliness; her social references are Greta Thunberg y Rosalia; he does not read and does not know how to express himself fluently, with a range of vocabulary that has not grown in all this arc of time; he thinks that politicians are useless and expects the State to solve his money and housing problems, because that’s what taxes are for (those of his parents, yours and mine, of course); the fault of the crises in the world belongs to the rich, but they do not know how to define what it means to be rich. Nevertheless, And Jaywho has a doctorate in clinical psychology and in gender studies from the University of California in Berkeleyin his book The decisive decade (Asertos), says that “20-somethings who spend time experimenting and who also have the courage to commit, end up forging a much more powerful identity.” I agree, as long as valid foundations have been laid during childhood and adolescence, that’s it.

These generations, who will neither be happy nor have anything, will not have their own ideas either, because those they have will be inoculated from school indoctrination and Netflix and Disney series

But beware, make no mistake, because they are not the cause, but the consequence. A slow but inexorable work of policies in decline have achieved this social product that is cannon fodder for the Agenda 2030They go head to head you will be happy and you will have nothing… And I would add: you will eat cockroaches and worms in restaurants with michelin stars. In addition to these generations, who will neither be happy nor have anything, they will not have their own ideas either, because the ones they have will be inoculated from the school indoctrination and the series of Netflix y Disney. Also the laws of gender equality and deconstruction will collaborate decisively in the rupture or corruption of its anthropology. They will live off the State and will work in what they are told for nothing. It is about the neoliberal project that has been cooking for decades: societies enslaved due to their dependence on the State, subjected by the chains of debauchery. But as long as the social mob survives and is year after year more dependent because the welfare society It is the currency of exchange so that we do not complain, the todogratis with which the social democrats are proud, the ruling classes will continue to reach greater levels of political, social and economic power. It is also totally foreseeable that eugenic perversions will increase and, in the same way that in Belgium they have euthanized a woman because she had depression -although later a sentence of the European Court of Human Rights condemned this country – the urgent need will arise with those who are not productive, no matter how old they are. Someone may consider me very terrifying, yes, they may, but if we approach the history of humanity from the book Eugenics and euthanasia (Scotland) de Guillermo Buhigaswe will realize that it has been a constant temptation to reach world power, always from the power of death.

It will be late, very late, when people arrive who really want to reverse this suicidal situation. Those who fight to rescue man with the ability to think for himself, with the ability to ask questions about himself, others and about what happens in his environment, will have to do so under the paradigms of social violence, the same that is exercised by the current policies with their indoctrinating factories of the mysteries of Equality, Education, Public administrations y Health. A roller that flattens the social orography, as necessary as what occurs in nature, where the abrupt relief is combined with the plains, the rivers with the forests and the rain with sunny days. Nobody always wants the same thing in their life because in the end what is lived is not valued, or how it is lived.

And in the same way that the greatest crises of humanity have been saved by the Iglesia -because despite its shadows, many more lights abound-, this crisis will also be the one who takes the chestnuts out of the fire to the world. There will be men and women who rescue people that no one wants, who provide the reason to resolve the aftermath of the disaster that today can already be glimpsed from postmodernism. He will be the one who brings Hope and Love, which has always corresponded to an eternal work such as the work of God. As it may seem that this closing article draws too much of Catholic passion, I leave you with this other book that will surely be worth more to many as a reference than my own opinion: What Spain owes to the Catholic Church (Homolegens), de Luis Suarez Fernandez. Let’s see if so… yes.


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