Míchel: “The central players are not to blame for anything”

Míchel: “The central players are not to blame for anything”

Michel answer for everyone The coach of Girona has come out to defend his players after thetie in extremis against Cadiz (1-1) with a penalty goal from Stuani in the last minute of added time. The Uruguayan has saved Girona, who continue to show their weaknesses in defence, from their fourth consecutive defeat, but for the coach the individual mistakes are “my responsibility”. “The centrals are not to blame for anything. We are a team and we all win and lose. We all make individual mistakes. It would be another thing if they were about attitude or work, but the footballers are dying with Girona and I will not single out anyone because they try to play, go forward and generate. I understand the concern that a very important game could slip away from us, but the team had spirit. We travel together, as always. If anyone thought that today would be easy, they were wrong”, he said.

Míchel remembered that “we are a humble team in a complicated category”: “Cadiz has a bigger budget and even so we tend to think we are better. We don’t have Messi or Cristiano… But we try to do things right. Although the opponent always generates many chances to score, he has only made two shots on goal for us. It’s a good point and the way to win is to draw.” The coach added that “it’s a good point because we break the bad dynamic” and also for having the score against until the last minute, despite the fact that during the outcome of the match “we had it completely under control and I did not fear for the result as it did end up happening as the minutes passed”.

At the same time, he referred to theown goal by Cala anul·lat by the referee after going to check it on the VAR screen for an alleged previous foul by Taty Castellanos on the Cadiz central defender (in the replay of the images it is clearly seen that it is Espino who brings down his teammate ). “They tell me that Espino also takes it. They are decisions of the referee, but I don’t think it has seriously harmed us”, he said. Míchel also explained the reason for the changes: “We switched to 4-3-1-2 with a double edge and the depth was still given by Roro, Taty and Stuani and Miguel and Arnau on the outside. They were fine for me, as were the three midfielders. In the end I tried to put Toni to have more depth in the one on one, Manu with a goal option and Valery because of the imbalance».

Sergio González: “The game could have ended earlier”

For Sergio González, his team had to experience “a cruel end” today with Stuani’s penalty goal in the 101st minute. “I can’t say that the tie was not fair, but the two teams play very differently. It is clear to me that the play occurs when 25 seconds of the eight minutes of added time pass. I think the game could have ended earlier”, he commented. The Cadiz coach insisted: “The eight extra minutes made up for all the minutes lost during the match. That’s a lot of minutes… We have the feeling that nothing significant has happened in the added time to add an extra minute.” He also explained that “we had the game under control, despite not having possession, and the goal has given us confidence”.


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