Liepājnieki survive in a thriller and defeat “Kalev/Audentes”, Šiliņi’s double-double

Among the winners, the most productive with a double-double was Kārlis Šiliņš – he scored 19 points (1p. 3/4, 2p. 5/8, 3p. 2/4), collected ten rebounds, gave one assist, intercepted three balls and blocked one shot.

An excellent match was also played by Richard Daniels Hawk, who was able to help the team with points in the most important moments. He put 25 points on the table (1p. 7/7, 2p. 6/9, 3p. 2/6), six rebounds, two assists and a blocked shot.

The role of leader of “Kalev/Audentes” was once again assumed by team captain Kristjans Kangur, who had 27 points (1p. 6/8, 2p. 3/5, 3p. 5/10), seven rebounds and three assists.

The fight was very even and neither unit was able to make a breakthrough to reach a double-digit lead. The guests’ biggest advantage for a while was +9.

Liepājnieki, however, recovered and from then on the fight was close. At the end of the match, the home team gained a small advantage, which they successfully kept, winning their fourth victory this season. For a while, +6 had shrunk to a minimum, however, after the final whistle, the home team could celebrate.

“Liepāja” benefited from the advantage of its home field, 300 local supporters and a more successful game behind the baskets. The home team has ten rebounds more. The winners also had four more steals and three more blocked shots, as well as better accuracy from the game.

Kurzemnieki with a 4-2 record climbed to fifth place in the table of the combined league. Meanwhile, Tallinners are in the 13th position – only one win in six matches.

The United League will continue tomorrow, when four matches are scheduled, in which three clubs from Latvia will also take part.

“Liepāja” – “Kalev/Audentes” 86:83 (19:20, 25:23, 20:21, 22:19)

Liepaja: Vanags 25 (6 rebounds), Šiliņš 19 (10 rebounds), Birkāns 17, Žunda 7, Vītols 6, Helmanis 4 (5 rebounds), Meinarts 4, Bērziņš 4, Soldatenoks.
Audentes: Kangur 27 (7 rebounds), Weidemans 21 (5 rebounds), Soks 13, Andre 9, Jurtsenko 8 (6 rebounds), Kajupanks 5, Malms, Paiste, Alemans, Shmalcs.


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