Football Italy – Juve falsifies its accounts, Cristiano Ronaldo involved

Under investigation into its finances, Juventus Turin is accused of having falsified its accounts. The Turin club took advantage of the health crisis to record salary cuts, without reporting the bonuses granted to its players, starting with Cristiano Ronaldo.

Definitely, Juventus Turin is having a very complicated start to the season. Already left behind in Serie A, the Bianconeri will not play in the knockout stages of the Champions League after their defeat against Benfica Lisbon (4-3) on Tuesday. And the extra-sporting situation is not much more encouraging. Indeed, La Gazzetta dello Sport tells us that the Turin club is under investigation.

Italian justice is studying the finances of Juventus Turin suspected of having falsified its accounts during the health crisis. The irregularities identified relate to the sums of money paid to the players. During this difficult economic period, the workforce had accepted a pay cut in solidarity with the club. And to make up for these amounts, Juventus Turin would have promised bonuses to be paid later. Only here, the leaders of Juventus Turin would not have declared these deferred payments. And local justice would have come across documents concerning Cristiano Ronaldo.

Juve hid Ronaldo’s €20m

It would be an agreement between the Old Lady and her former striker, to whom the management would have promised a bonus of 20 million euros, even if he left the club the following summer. Note that 16 Turin leaders, including President Andrea Agnelli and Vice-President Pavel Nedved, would be threatened by this investigation. For his part, the Manchester United striker refused to answer questions from the Turin prosecutor, said the media La Stampa. To obtain the version of the Portuguese, the Italian justice will have to send him a formal summons. Suffice to say that Cristiano Ronaldo, cold with his manager Erik ten Hag at the Red Devils, has other concerns at the moment.


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