Who would be the champion team of the Qatar 2022 World Cup if measured by GDP

If the 2022 World Cup in Qatar were defined by the GDP of each of the 32 participating nations, there would be many surprises. Starting by seeing the United States champion.

There are trends, programs that simulate (according to variables such as experience) and to mathematical models to try to find the outcome of the Qatar 2022 World Cup.

One of the variables to take into account in this set of possibilities is GDP. The doctor of economics, Stefan Szymanski, has written about the models that exist. And, according to what he puts forward, GDP is one of the key variables to understand how far a team can go in a World Cup, in addition to the international experience of the team.

With this as a base, the United States would win the Qatar 2022 World Cup, thanks to a GDP close to 19.44 billion euros, at the end of 2021. What is striking is that another surprise would arrive in the final: Japan, with a GDP of around 4.17 billion euros.

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On the way to the final stages of the World Cup, traditional teams such as Spain would remain, which could not qualify in their group, the E, or Argentina, which would be relegated to the last place in its group, after Mexico, Saudi Arabia and Poland.

The particular thing would also be, in this World Cup according to GDP, in seeing surprises like Australia disputing passage to the quarterfinals with England.

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For now, this World Cup is expected to be one of the most important in terms of investment flow. on one side, Investments close to US$500 million were estimated for the sporting event.

While, on the other hand, the prize pool can reach up to US $ 42 million for the selection that retains the title.

This entry can be found in Valora Analitik.


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