United pay more

United is one of the teams that has moved the most in the transfer market in recent years, paying large amounts of money. According to a CIES study, during the last decade the English team has paid more money for the signings than they were worth, in total they have spent more than 200 million extra, specifically 238. In total they have spent more than 1,594 million euros on 33 signings, but in reality their players they were worth a total of 1,356. Money, which is not serving United to reign in England again.

In this list appears the Juventus in second position, with an extra expense of 234, only four million less than the English team. In third place appears another of the teams that move the most in the transfer market, PSG. In this case, the Parisian team, in this last decade paid 162 million euros more in their signings, with Neymar as the main culprit.

To find the first Spanish team in this CIES table, you have to go to the fifth position where Real Madrid is. Florentino Pérez’s team has spent 148 million euros more in signings in the last 10 years, divided into 19 players. The next Spanish team on the list is Villarreal with 17 million more and already in 37th place. Real Sociedad with 11 million, Almería with 4 and Athletic with one, are the teams that appear negative in LaLiga Santander. Barcelona and Atlético de Madrid are positive with 47 and 82 million respectively.


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