Two Spanish medals in the Under-15 European Championships in Ibiza

IBIZA 2022 has put the finishing touch to two weeks of intense competition with the dispute of the finals of the U15 European Championship. Spanish badminton went up twice to the podium: with Ibizan Yaidel Gilbronze in men’s singles and Mara Luisa’s mixed double Jimnez and Mario Rodriguez, who also achieved bronze. The medals were presented by the president of Badminton Europe, Joao Matosthe president of the Ibiza Council, Vicent Marthe Minister of Sports, Salvador Releasethe mayor of Ibiza, Rafael Ruizthe president of the Federacin Espaola de Bdminton, Andoni Azurmendiand the president of the Balearic Federation, Silvia Riera.

At a sporting level, the favorites fulfilled the predictions: the men’s individual title went to the Portuguese Tiago Berenguerfirst seeded, who beat the Frenchman Arthur Tatranov by 21-14 and 21-11 in 29 minutes.

The gold of the women’s singles went to the Turkish Aleyna Korkutsecond favourite, who had to struggle against the French Leana Laurent (21-18 y 21-19).

mixed podium

The gender doubles were decided in the third set. The women’s final started well for the Romanians Daria Gerasim and Christina Serbian. The Elifnur Turks Iron y Zeynep Ocakoglu they equalized, although they fell 21-16, 21-23 and 21-16. The men’s final was entirely Danish. Jens Andersson y Ash Rose heather traced Mikkel Bouet y Frederik Never 15-21, 21-14 and 21-15. In mixed double there was also full danish. Jens Andersson y Athene Thornild beat Mikkel in 20 minutes Bouet and Eline Landsvig 21-12 y 21-11.

Ibiza has hosted three important consecutive competitions for two weeks, in which both established athletes and the main European promises have participated, thanks to the invaluable support of the advice and the City Council Ibizaand to the predisposition of the Federation Balearic of Bdminton and Bdminton Ibiza.


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