“The worst thing would have been to be told that I had changed”

Benjamin, the book of your incredible career, with a passage from R2 to L1 in four years, is closed. Do you feel the little death of the athlete?

I was more or less prepared for that by returning to Bourg-Péronnas (National) and stopping Ligue 1. I’ve been thinking about it for a year and a half, even if I still felt good this season.

GOAL FC said it was interested this summer. Real info?

No, really intox, I was sent the paper from Le Progrès which mentioned this info. There is even Enzo Reale (his partner in Lorient, editor’s note) who called me to find out. But I had no one from the club and others in the region, including Villefranche, thought I was going to sign with GOAL FC!

Going from R1 to L1 in four years, you said you suffered to support the increasing workloads and the demands of the top level. Is your body scarred at 35?

When I was younger, I had muscle injuries that only stopped me for two or three weeks, but with…


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