the funny gesture of Florentino Pérez with Aurélien Tchouaméni

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Once again, Aurélien Tchouaméni shone. On Saturday afternoon, Real Madrid followed up with a fourth victory in as many days, signing a perfect start to the season in accounting terms. A meeting during which the Frenchman was impressive, even being named man of the match by La Liga TV, producer and broadcaster of the match against the Andalusian club.

In the Spanish media, it’s Tchouaméni-mania, once again. Casemiro seems well forgotten, and the former AS Monaco is still covered with praise. “A dream start. He won almost all of his duels.simply sums up the daily life ASwhereas Brand explain that “Tchouaméni’s first day at the Bernabéu will be remembered”.

Pérez on a small cloud

And according to Central defense, a curious event would have occurred after the match. At the final whistle, Florentino Pérez would have gone into the locker room to take the tricolor midfielder aside. “Looks like you’ve been here for 10 years”dropped the boss of Real Madrid to the player, in perfect French, to congratulate him on his excellent start to the season.

The Madrid media adds that the Madrid boss was euphoric after the match with the Blues player, and that he received a lot of congratulations about Tchouaméni in the presidential gallery. As for the principal concerned, he would have particularly appreciated Pérez’s gesture, still according to Central defense. The beginning of a beautiful love story, to the delight of merengue supporters!


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