Polynesian judokas adorn themselves with silver • TNTV Tahiti Nui Télévision

The fenua tatamis are hosting an international competition for the first time. Franck Bellard, technical officer of the Polynesian Judo Federation, indicates that 9 nations and 50 fighters are confronting each other this weekend:“The Polynesians have trained very well” he congratulated himself. “Many young people, cadets and juniors, can access the continental championships under the Polynesian banner.”

The athletes and the Federation have their eyes on the Pacific Games in 2023, then those organized in Tahiti in 2027.
Sports Minister Naea Bennett explained that the country “put the means” so that athletes can best prepare for high-level competitions.

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Gaston Lafon caused a lot of difficulties for American Nicholas Delpopolo (Photo credit: TNTV)

The biggest judo competition ever organized in Polynesia ended on Saturday afternoon for the lightest weight categories, up to 73 kilos.

It ended with one of the most anticipated fights: the American Nicholas Delpopolo, yet 7th at the Olympic Games, had a hard time getting rid of the Polynesian champion Gaston Lafon. “Happy but a bit disappointed all the same” said the Polynesian judoka, who emphasized kumi-kata work, the positioning of the hands. He wants “train ever harder” in view of the Pacific Games. “The level was really very high” for his part congratulated the president of the Tahitian Judo Federation, Stéphane Gustin for whom the day of Sunday will be a “test day” for Polynesian judokas.

If no Polynesian wins a gold medal on this first day, many get silver, like the very young Ramahere Deflandre, only 15 years old.

Or even Laetitia Wuilmet and Kerian Vasapolli, who cast doubt on much better ranked opponents worldwide. Because these internationals come to seek points for the Olympic Games.

On Sunday, don’t miss the last finals of this competition, live on our Facebook page. French Polynesia will have a real chance of gold medals, especially in the heavyweight category with Jérémie Picard in the men’s and Rauhiti Vernaudon in the women’s, or even Cyril Gaudemer in less than 90 kilos.


At only 15 years old, Ramahere Deflandre, from the Venus club, lost in the final to American champion Jenna Schurr. (Photo: Mike Leyral/TNTV)

CA resultslight categories

checkered finals :

-52kg: Jenna Schurr (USA) beats Ramahere Deflandre (Polynesia)

-57kg : Qona Christie (NZ) bat Charisma Taylor (Australie)

-63kg: Karlee Carrouth (USA) beats Teraimatuatini Bopp (Polynesia)

Men’s Finals :

-60kg: Jérôme Eliet (Caledonia) beats Titouan Sola (Polynesia)

-66kgs: Shugen Nasano (Philippines) beats Kerian Vasapolli (Polynesia)

-73kg: Nicholas Delpopolo (USA) beats Gaston Lafon (Polynesia)


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