Pogba case: the player would have told the police that his brother, Mathias, is acting under pressure

Is Mathias Pogba free in his actions? No, according to his little brother Paul, targeted by two videos where his eldest charges him on social networks. The world champion explained to the police that he thought that the man who publicly spread the case a week ago was acting under pressure from racketeers. Statements made to investigators during the second hearing of the French midfielder in August and revealed this Sunday by France Info.

The former Manchester United player explained that Mathias Pogba wrote him a text saying: “You will think of us now that you have received a signing bonus” when he joined Juventus Turin this summer. The media claim that Paul Pogba changed his phone number twice to escape pressure from those he accuses of trying to extort money from him. In vain.

He claims to have paid money to a marabout for an association

In addition, the police are seeking more information on an alleged visit by several people to the home of the player’s mother, Yeo Moriba, in July. These strangers would have repeated the threats already made to the framework of the French football team in March.

Paul Pogba also claimed to have never paid a marabout to cast a spell on Kylian Mbappé and harm the performance of the PSG and Les Bleus striker. The interested party would have affirmed that the sums transmitted to the specialist in occultism would have been used to finance a humanitarian association invested in the aid of children in Africa. He would have assured to have the means to prove his version.

An investigation has been opened in France on suspicion of extortion attempts of which the world champion claims to be a victim. The investigations were entrusted to the services of the Central Directorate of the Judicial Police (DCPJ). In addition to Paul Pogba, at least three other people have been heard for the time being by the investigators according to our information. His lawyer Rafaela Pimenta, also implicated by Mathias, his mother Yeo Moriba, and a member of the Blues staff.


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