MATTEO DA ROS – Cantù Basketball confirms its captain

MATTEO DA ROS – Cantù Basketball confirms its captain

Thursday, 8 September 2022

CANTÙ – Acqua S.Bernardo Pallacanestro Cantù announces that Matteo Da Ros was confirmed in the role of captain of the first team for the 2022-23 season. Among the most experienced players of the team, Da Ros will wear the white and blue jersey for the second year. The canturina winger had already held the role of captain last year, following the injury of Luigi Sergio.

“I’m happy – comments Matteo Da Ros – proud and satisfied to remain captain after last year’s experience; it means a lot, personally, to have such an important responsibility. Being captain is always special, and doing it in a team that has made history, and wants to continue making it, is even more special ”.


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