Lavelanet. The basketball players have taken over

At the start of the season, the Lavelanétien basketball stadium organized its open house at the municipal multisports center. Children and young people from 5 to 17 years old, girls and boys, were able to learn throughout the afternoon in the presence of the most experienced in each category from U5 to U17.

This day saw basketball initiation games conducted by the cadet team. These young people aged 16 to 17 got the younger children to play and, given their commitment, nearly 30 novice children joined the SLBB for the 2022-2023 season and who will join the workforce.

The leaders and coaches appreciated this convivial and fruitful moment for the SLBB. All categories have resumed training for 8 days. The first youth competitions will begin on September 24 for the brew matches. The first match of the senior women’s team will take place in Lavelanet, on September 24, at 8:30 p.m., against the Fenouillet team.

For more information on the life of the club, registrations, training and matches, you can consult the club’s website ( or contact Amandine, the club’s correspondent, tel. 06 40 19 92 35.


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