JUDO: Marie Susanne BRANSER (German) agrees to play for Guinea

In its policy of convincing dual nationals to defend the national tricolor, the Guinean Federation of Judo and Associated Disciplines now registers the arrival of Marie Susanne BRANSER who landed in Conakry the night of Sunday September 25, 2022 from Germany in the company of her manager.

With a German father and a Guinean mother, the native of Leipzig is in Conakry to do her Guinean passport as a prelude to the senior judo world scheduled in Uzbekistan at the beginning of October 2022.
From the category of (-78kg), Marie represents a major asset for the senior national team of Guinea given her considerable performance in Germany.

Marie Susanne BRANSER is the third pick of the feguijudo, after Moustapha FOFANA (+100kg) and Mariana ESTEVES (-57kg)

With the FEGUIJUDO com unit


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