Hello “Bru” »Baseball.it

Bruno Tizzoni (right) receiving the prize for his 1984 Serie A victory

© Baseball.it

You left us too. It’s been 37 years now since we made our first appearance in BF Goodrich Roma in Serie A, with new rules. I remember you bought my tag for 3 boxes of balls, already because the market value at the time was expressed in balls. And from there they have been glorious years. Attending your funeral actually made me go back in time thinking about all the unforgettable seasons spent together …

Bruno Tizzoni

There were many of us to give you the last farewell. I think it is the right recognition that each of us can manifest. Present, in addition to myself, Gianlorenzo Bernini, Piero Mangiapane, Antonio Sgnaolin, Maurizio Cocciolo, Massimo Sassi, Massimo Vergara, Paolo Alimonti, and all those who participated although not present such as Alberto Biagiotti, Gianfranco Pavone, Sasà De Luca, Luca Perin , Luigi Falzetti, Pippo Silvestrini, Bibi Pietrosanti, Gaetano Lauria and many others … I had the honor of communicating the sad news to our world from your daughter Simona, an infinite number of messages of condolence arrived from all those who knew you, without distinction, referees, players and fans, friends and “enemies on the pitch”. Especially from Neptune where you were considered with great respect “insider trading” having a home right there in the wolf’s den … You liked to sizzle the most noble Neptunian cousins.

After some time I must acknowledge the merit of having kept the level of baseball in Rome high with Bruno Alimonti, bringing characters such as Alex Bassetti, Guido Ballari, Dino Viola, Bartolo Consolo, Franco Tofani to name a few. Of course in Rome he never had a strong baseball tradition, but we have created synergies and often played at the same level with the big teams, bringing the audience to the stadium and creating media attention …

Marco Sforza
The team of the Bassetti Roma Baseball Group at the Olympic stadium. Recognizable Bruno Tizzoni penultimate on the right standing

Now you must know that unfortunately there is nothing left, the children’s Acquacetosa field has disappeared, the Piazza Mancini field no longer exists, the Rebibbia field no longer exists, the Length field no longer exists, baseball no longer exists. but softball no longer exists either. I know you weren’t exactly a big fan …

We all have something to tell a gag, a story and you were always at the center of the story. We’ve all lost a great baseball fan, a great baseball connoisseur, a great baseball executive. But above all a great friend …

May the earth be light to you. Hi Bru

Marco Sforza


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