Guide Betclic Elite 2022-23 – Fos: Place for young people

After having experienced a difficult end to the season – saved on the last day – Fos Provence has cleaned up its workforce by keeping Allan Dokossi and rejuvenating its team. With the intention of experiencing a more peaceful exercise.

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It was tight! Fos Provence only escaped relegation on the last day of the 2021-22 regular season, thanks to an 83-79 victory at Portel which allowed them to overtake Orleans in the basket-average, the two clubs presenting the same record of 12 wins for 22 losses. It must be said that the season turned out to be particularly eventful in Provence, with the departure of many players cut or injured for a long time, and the arrival of six freelancers or substitutes.

To avoid these cold sweats at the start of this new season, the Marseille club has decided to clean up its workforce, which results in the departure of 11 players, including that of Édouard Choquet (9 seasons in club), thanked according to his words in a cavalier way. To this was added, somewhat to everyone’s surprise, the departure of coach Rémi Giuitta who, after 18 years of good and loyal service to the club, has decided to give up his duties. to take a step back ».

A breath of fresh air

Dylan Affo Mama (Photo TMB)

To replace all these beautiful people, the Marseille leaders have decided to change their tune: while the team at the start of last season had an average age of 29.1 years and had six players aged 30 and over. , that of this year has only two 30-somethings left and… eight players aged 26 and under! For an average of 25.4 years for the eleven players brought to take part in the matches.

Of course, such a rejuvenation implies the arrival of players at the start of their career, full of promise but not presenting all the guarantees of immediate profitability. On the JFL side, Milan Barbitch and Dylan Affo Mama…

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Photo : Allan Dokossi

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