Forum des associations: there is something for everyone

Due to uncertain weather, the forum of associations planned in the Aubrys park, Saturday September 3 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., took place in the village hall adjoining the latter. And we had to fit all the associations and visitors into this small place!

A sign of the vitality of the village, there was something for everyone: judo, self-defense, salsa, dance, flamenco, canoeing, Nordic walking, model aircraft for sport, but also a 2 CV club, theatre, writing , heritage of Aubais, friends of Saint Nazaire, CIL, photovoltaic park, nature protection…

So many areas to become a volunteer in associations.

Around the stands, the mayor, Angel Pobo, announced that he had introduced a new order to ban hunting in places disfigured by the fire this summer.

Midi Libre correspondent: 06 87 50 38 68


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