FC Bayern: Stefan Effenberg returns to Munich as ambassador | Sports

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Effenberg return to Bavaria

The “Tiger” returns!

Stefan Effenberg (54) will be an ambassador at Bayern Munich, as the club announced. He will play for the record champions’ “Legends” team in the future.

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Effenberg in a statement from the club: “It’s a nice feeling to return to FC Bayern as an ambassador. FC Bayern is always referred to as a family – and that’s exactly how it feels, even today. Anyone who knows me knows that I don’t do things by halves.”

In the summer of 2002, Effenberg left Bayern after four seasons as a player. With the club, the midfielder won three championships (1999, 2000, 2001), once the DFB Cup (2000), the Champions League (2001) and the Intercontinental Cup (2001). Effe played for Bayern Munich between 1990 and 1992 before trying his luck at Fiorentina (1992 to 1994). After the time in Italy, the midfield strategist spent four years with Borussia Mönchengladbach (1995 DFB Cup winner). He played 35 times for Germany between 1991 and 1998 (5 goals).

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Effenberg: “As captain, I used to give my all for this club and its fans around the world on the pitch, and now I will also fulfill this new role as an ambassador with my passion for FC Bayern.”

Marketing Director Andreas Jung (57): “We are very happy to welcome Stefan Effenberg as a new ambassador to our team. He has led our club to historic success as a leader on the pitch, which gives him a special place among our fans and makes him an ideal representative of FC Bayern.”

Alongside Giovane Elber (50), Claudio Pizarro (43) and Lothar Matthäus (61), Effenberg is the fourth Bayern ambassador. Klaus Augenthaler (64) and Zé Roberto (48) also play in the “Legenden” team of the club from Säbener Straße.


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