Denis Zakaria signs, Marcos Alonso leaves the Blues! (Official)

Zapping Our Mondial EXCLUDED: Geyoro, Karchaoui and Périsset’s “Little Sister” interview!

Six months and then go! Arrived this winter at Juventus from Borussia Mönchengladbach, Denis Zakaria is already leaving Piedmont, heading to London! The Swiss international is indeed joining Chelsea on a loan with an option to buy.

For his part, Marcos Alonso was released from his contract before the final gong, which will allow him to sign free on the Barça side, probably during the day!

to summarize

Chelsea have formalized the arrival of Denis Zakaria from Juventus. For his part, Marcos Alonso was released from his contract before the final gong, which will allow him to sign free on the Barça side, probably during the day!


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