Dear bills and sports facilities: meetings in the municipality with Doric societies – Ancona Chronicles

ANCONA – The mayor Valeria Mancinelli, together with the councilors for Sport Andrea Guidotti, and the Budget Ida Simonella, with the municipal technicians, addressed the situation relating to energy increases, framing the problem and evaluating possible interventions together with the companies themselves

The Municipality of Ancona (Archive)

«We intend to quantify the differences in spending in order to find, compatibly with the budget, the resources to support the companies in this difficult moment. We have identified some levers on which to act to give substance to this intent, levers that put in place on the one hand the economic and mediation commitment of the Administration and on the other hand the responsibility of managers and companies in optimizing the use of ‘energy and in the encouragement of virtuous behavior ».
These are the words of the mayor of Ancona, Valeria Mancinelli following the theme, addressed, concerning
the management of expensive bills for sports facilities.
Theme that was at the center of a series of meetings that took place in the Municipality today.
The mayor, together with the councilors for Sport, Andrea Guidotti, and the Budget, Ida Simonella, with the municipal technicians, met with the Doric societies to discuss the situation relating to energy increases, framing the problem and evaluating possible interventions.

The mayor Valeria Mancinelli (Archive)

The meetings, four in all during the day, were invited: the company Cogepi, pool manager and, subsequently, the companies Ancona Judo, Level Up, Nuova Volleyball Collemarino, Tre Colli, Verbena, Aspio 2005, Cab Stamura, Circolo Collodi, Club Fencing Ancona, Arcieri Ancona, Cus Ancona, Fidal Marche, GS Adriatico, Volleyball Academy Ancona, Polisportiva Candia, Shooting, Uisp Ancona, the Ancona Consortium for Sport, AC Nuova Folgore, GLS Dorica An-ur, Junior Calcio, ASD Softball Ancona, Young Ancona Football, the GSD Ponterosso, the FC Vallemiano, the ASD Skating Ancona, the Anconetana rugby union, the US Anconitana, the Ancona Tennis Club, the ASD Tennis Riviera del Conero, the Ancona railway Dopolavoro.
“All participants – the Municipality announced in the evening – have been informed that by tomorrow they will receive a survey form that they will have to fill in to detect the total change in energy expenditure between the years 2021 and 2022 (with reference to the calendar year). Specifically – he continues – the card will be used to compare, month by month, the consumption of electricity and gas, to identify the managers of the various contracts put in place by the companies, to detect the containment measures already activated and other aspects such as, for example, any additional profits achieved in the period considered ».

Ida Simonella (Archive)

The plan therefore provides, in practice, three types of action: «The request to managers to concentrate activities as much as possible and, in this way, to limit energy consumption (lighting, showers, heating…) in the times, methods and spaces actually needed – he continues -; the commitment of the Municipality to support the Ancona sports system with an extraordinary management contribution, the amount of which will be defined on the basis of the survey carried out in the coming days with the information provided by the companies; the joint commitment to obtain a virtuous and conscious use of energy resources, by users, within each single structure “
«The contribution – explained Simonella – will be parameterized on the delta for the year 2022, compatibly with the financial availability of the Entity; for technical reasons linked to the balance of the budget, it will be paid in installments over two years, but, to facilitate the companies as much as possible, it will in fact be disbursed within a few months, as it is expected to be able to proceed within a month and a half with the first installment and by the end of February 2023 with the second ».
At the same time, the municipal administration undertakes to carry out an accompanying and mediation action towards the energy supplier companies, so that the latter grant an installment of the payments due.

Andrea Guidotti (Archive)

“The Municipality – recalled Guidotti – invests over two and a half million euros a year to support the management of the facilities, for maintenance and for the welfare of sport and in recent months it has further enhanced its commitment to sport by intercepting 6 million resources from the PNRR for the Palaveneto. We are also waiting for the same amount of funds, 6.5 million euros, for the Olympic swimming pool and for the shooting range. Our commitment in this very difficult moment of war is therefore the direct consequence of a policy that has constantly placed the psychophysical and social value of sport at the center of administrative action ».
The companies, therefore, must return the survey forms to the Municipality by the end of the week in order to facilitate the precise quantification of the necessary resources in a very short time. All the meetings ended with the agreement and the common commitment to meet again within ten days to establish together a common line of intervention and virtuous behavior to be adopted.


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