Volleyball: Cuban men’s team debuts with victory in the Pan American Cup

The Cuban men’s team opened with victory over Chile in the XV Pan American Volleyball Cup, based in the city of Gatineaud, Canada, according to official media on the island.

At the Slush Puppy Center in that northern city, the Cubans, defending champions, easily dominated the South Americans in straight sets (25-17, 25-20 and 28-26), showing wide superiority over their rivals, according to a use published in the sports portal Jit.

According to the statistics reported by the outlet, the Antilleans were better in offense (44-37), blocking (9-6) and serving (4-3), and committed fewer unforced errors than their opponents (17-21).

Individually, assistant attacker Marlon Yant stood out on offense with 15 points (14-1-0) and opposite player Miguel David Gutiérrez, who contributed 14 (12-1-1).

The center back and team captain, Liván Osoria, added 13 points (8-5-0) and the other blocker, Roamy Alonso, contributed six units (5-1-0) while corner player Julio César Cárdenas added five (4 -1-0). Miguel Ángel López, called only to the field to serve, got three aces, adds the report.

How has Cuban men’s volleyball managed to overcome a decade of failures?

The Cuban team attends the tournament with a roster very similar to the one that recently qualified for the 2023 Nations League, and is preparing for the world championship in Slovenia and Poland.

This report adds that in the other game of group A, the United States swept the Dominican Republic (25-23, 25-23, 25-23).

This Wednesday the Americans will meet the Chileans, while the Cuban cast will face the Dominican.


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