They ask in Escuinapa for support to select a wheelchair

ESCUINAPA._ The group of athletes with disabilities has a new challenge, which is to participate in the State Basketball Tournament, with the support of the Municipal Government and the people of Escuinapa.

The team called “Flying on Wheels”, made up of 7 players, wishes to be present in the state capital in the competition that will take place on August 13 and 14.

Luis Alberto Lizárraga López, who is a promoter of adapted sports and a member of the wheelchair basketball team, called Camaroneros de Escuinapa, pointed out that when they request support they have always had the support of the Municipal Government, but this time they also require the citizen support.

To attend the competition, they already have a vehicle provided by the former Mayor, Bonifacio Bustamante Hernández, and the support for gasoline by Mayor Blanca Estela García Sánchez. However, they require at least 6 thousand pesos for lodging and food expenses, especially.

To obtain that amount, he said that it is important for the population to participate in the activities they plan to carry out, such as raffles or boating in some city streets.

“We already did a raffle with which we collected 2,000 pesos and Trini (Trinidad Ibarra, Director of Sports), has already confirmed that they will support us with gasoline, but we hope the support of more people,” he said.

He pointed out that those who have been participating in this type of competition have been participating in this type of competition for 8 uninterrupted years and want this to continue, to remain active and motivate more people to participate in this sport.

Regarding the equipment to participate in this type of event, he explained that they expect the support of the State Government through the president of the DIF, Eneyda Rocha Ruiz, who has already been asked for more wheelchairs, since they only have 3 and require 6 more.

Lizárraga López said that in this state competition, they will have to be the venue in mid-October, so they will require more financial resources, due to the expenses involved in logistics in general. Finally, the athlete made a call for more people to participate in adapted sports, since through the Municipal Government, they will be given the support to carry out the activity that they wish to develop.


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