The men’s Municipal Basketball obtained excellent results during the weekend

The day was held in San Clemente against the local team and the categories U12, U13, U15, U17 and U19 participated.


From the Department of Sports they reported that the men’s Municipal Basketball categories obtained excellent results during the weekend.

The sports day took place in the city of San Clemente against the local team and the categories U12, U13, U15, U17 and U19 participated.

The results, all in favor of the Madariaguenses, were as follows:

participatory U12
U13 55- 32
U15 56-52
U17 58-34
U19 62-53

On the other hand, today at 9:00 p.m. in the municipal sports center the match between the first men’s Municipal Basketball team and the first Santa Clara team (free admission) will be played.


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