The contamination of emotions – El Sol de Durango

Who has not felt joy, sadness, as well as fear, anger, surprise, which are among the first emotions that human beings experience? Likewise, there are the collective emotions that we feel depending on one another, such as compassion, solidarity, guilt, pity, shame, pride, admiration, envy or contempt.

Emotions are contagious, and to prove it, the psychiatrist Pablo Toro, from the Uc Christus Health Network, carried out studies in which he was able to verify that, if a person is living or experiencing an emotion, and their organism works well, they will have the capacity probably, to communicate the emotion and along with that, spread it to others. It could also be pointed out as a mirror effect, if the environment is joyful and happy, it is easy to get infected, but when the environment is depressive or sad, if we do not have the necessary strength we fall into that environment.

I remember an anecdote from many years ago at the Casa de la Juventud in this city, where an important soccer match would take place, but one of the directors’ relatives left without showing any enthusiasm for witnessing the sporting event. Proceeding one of the workers to ask: – What is not going to see the game?

Answering: – No, I don’t like it.

Listening to this, the House’s soccer coach told him: – He’s going to be crazy.

What caused that at the moment we were all certainly perplexed by the instructor’s statement, justifying the director’s relative his refusal indicating:

– Well, it happens to me that if I see the game of. . . (and proceeds to do the same as if he were hitting baseball), and the coach replies:

– Beige. – Answering the other:

– Yes beige. . . I see it and I get excited. The same thing happens to me if I see the game of: . . (and he proceeds to mime like he’s shooting a basketball); and the coach tells him:

Basketball. – Responding: – Yes, basketball. . . I see it and I get emotional, and he goes on to say:

– The same thing happens to me with fut, I see the game and I get excited, but if I don’t see it I don’t get excited.

They are direct emotions, but there are also indirect emotions that, due to communication, we feel as if we were living them, sometimes experiencing anguish, anxiety, fear and panic, anger, anger and all kinds of emotions.

For a person who does not have well-balanced emotions, intelligence, or will, it is very easy for him to be infected by negative emotions, he is immediately contaminated by the hatred and violence that the leader may have towards someone and to consider that he What the leader feels is the correct feeling and, therefore, they sympathize with it, immediately reflecting the character type of the leader and that of all his faithful followers.

It should not be denied that since the current president of the republic came to power, he has divided society, and as he repeats it every day, publishes it, makes it sensational, the neoliberals, whom he also accuses of being contras, or well to those on the right, he has completely separated them as if they were alien to his government, and in turn he blames them for wreaking havoc on his administration (those who move the whales on subway line 12 so that there are deaths and blame the responsible for the morenista governments).

But within themselves, last weekend, the beatings, hauling, ballot burning and insane violence everywhere were manifest in their national party renewal elections, where many haulers went without knowing what they were going for, but they did fall prey to the contamination of hate and violence that was experienced in this type of aggressive groups that reflected at all times the character and temperament of their leaders.


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