RFC Liège pulled out of the Belgian Cup by Overijse

Initially planned on the road, the Overijse-RFC Liège match finally took place in Rocourt. The advantage of the field for the people of Liège, who normally play two divisions above their opponent? Certainly. But football is far from being an exact science and the magic of the Cup sometimes proves the “little ones” right. This is how Overijse created the surprise by winning 1-2 this Saturday evening.

At kick-off, Nyssen (thigh) was absent from the match sheet, along with Gendebien and Prudhomme. In the cages, Antoine Lejoly was lined up in place of Kevin Debaty. Liège quickly took control of the game thanks to a goal from Jérémy Perbet on an assist from Jonathan D’Ostilio. In the aftermath, Benoit Bruggeman, injured, forced Gaëtan Englebert to review his plans and it was Midou Mouhli who entered the game. As if that were not enough, he himself came out injured in the 48th and was replaced by Maxime Cavelier.

If Liège clearly dominated the first period and perhaps deserved a greater advantage, it was Overijse who scored after the break to equalise. The Sang et Marine pushed as the visitors resisted and tried to play the whole thing on the counter-attack. The difficulty increased when the referee of the game sent a Flemish player back to the locker room. But, sixty seconds later, Ignazio Cocchiere deceived Lejoly and placed his team definitively in control.

Liège must now concentrate fully on the championship.


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