Mili is 16 years old, she was summoned to play basketball in Spain and needs help to cover the expenses

“She always liked sports, when she was very little she did acrobatic gymnastics and handball where she was a Chaco national team, and she always stood out. It is evident that sports are in her blood. She did basketball because her sister played and once she arrived she didn’t stopped more”, Celia Méndez highlighted.

Milagros Costantín is a teenager from Chaco who has been practicing basketball since she was 12 years old and excelled in different provinces such as Entre Ríos, Santa Fe, Corrientes and Buenos Aires.

It is in Santa Fe where he receives the proposal to have a full scholarship to travel to Spain, where he must spend two years in order to obtain nationality.

The Méndez-Costantín family stands out for the continuous support for Mili in her development as an athlete and this is demonstrated by the permanent accompaniment for her growth.

Right now, Mili needs to raise money with which to cover the expenses of the trip to Spain where she will have residence and academic support. “We only have a month to collect and we are independent workers, added to the current economic situation, it is more complicated. But this dream deserves it since we want it to be achieved”, commented.

Celia commented that they tried to initiate negotiations with the State without obtaining any type of response. In that line, she aimed to raise the flag for sports development: “There is a lot of talk about getting children off the street so they can be in a club, and it must be fulfilled. It is the opportunity to make the words that are repeated so much trustworthy.”

To collaborate with Milagros, donations can be made to the following account:

  • CBU: 0000003100043791062507
  • ALIAS: let’s go.mili

Celia Méndez’s number is available for more information: 362 433-5908.

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