Mercato: Marcelo, Nice’s next bet? – Soccer

In search of a left-back, OGC Nice has initiated contacts with Marcelo, free after 16 years at Real Madrid.

What if Marcelo offered himself one last challenge in L1?

With the arrivals of Aaron Ramsey and Kasper Schmeichel, OGC Nice has already offered two resounding blows during this transfer window.

And the Aiglons obviously don’t intend to stop there. Indeed, it is now the name of Marcelo that circulates on the Cte ​​d’Azur!

Contact amorc

Released by Real Madrid after 16 years of good and loyal service, the 34-year-old Brazilian is struggling to find his footing. But his profile caught the attention of the Gym, struggling to find a worthy contender Melvin Bard for the left-back position. According to the media Foot Mercato, the Aiglons, not cooled by his salary demands which have already rejected clubs like Lyon, have thus initiated contacts with the native of Rio de Janeiro.

If he were to finalize this deal, the Azuren club would make a real bet, as for Ramsey. Indeed, the Auriverde had been losing ground for several seasons at Real (21 starts in all competitions in 2019-2020, 15 in 2020-2021 and only 7 during the last exercise) and many doubt their ability to string together matches. . In the past, this type of bet has proved more or less profitable for Nice, like the fine successes Hatem Ben Arfa and Mario Balotelli and the flop Wesley Sneijder, whose aging profile is more comparable to that of Marcelo.

Nice has another priority

For now, however, the Brazilian is not yet a Gym player. Indeed, another club, whose identity has not filtered, is also on the spot. Moreover, even if he has validated this track, the trainer Lucien Favre gives his priority to this post Fabiano Parisi. But Empoli, the Italian’s club, refused the offer of 7 million euros sent by the Niois and is greedy, which encourages the 5th of the last Ligue 1 exercise to explore other avenues, starting with that leading to South America. One thing is certain: Marcelo, who was recently thinking of retiring, for lack of convincing offers, to focus on his career as an entrepreneur, could well keep his crampons for some time yet…

Marcelo, a good idea for Nice? Do not hesitate to react and discuss in the area add a comment … –


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