Holiday program for martial artists in Schwetzingen: Completely new movement sequences – Schwetzingen

Schwetzingen. The martial artists out Schwetzingen had invited kids to the holiday program and the number of those who followed the call was greater than expected, despite the tropical temperatures. 16 schoolchildren between the ages of six and 14, who were eager to learn and learn, preferred the Hildahalle to the swimming pool and were not disappointed.

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Everyone wanted to know what they were doing at the Budo Club. Lo and behold, there are lots of nice people. Some do judo, others karate. Rafael Carrera, longtime trainer and highly decorated Dan carrier, was responsible for the impressive insights and demonstrations in karate, Jens Macheledt and Markus Thiemann did this for the judoka.

They not only showed what is possible in sport, but also involved the kids in a playful way. Everyone participated enthusiastically, not only because they had never seen it before, but also because they had a lot of fun. There were completely new movement sequences during the initial warm-up and during playful learning.

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Hard-working helpers provided food and drink during the lunch break. They were responsible for ensuring that nobody missed anything culinary. Everyone liked it. This was not the only reason why it was a successful day for everyone involved.

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