French outdoor archery championships: the last arrows of the season, Tout le sport

The archers had the opportunity between April and July to shoot in selective competitions during which they established scores. An average of the three best scores per archer is calculated and a ranking is erected by weapon category and age. In each classification by category is then defined a “cut”, it is therefore necessary to enter these cuts to obtain the right to participate in these French championships.

French outdoor national compound compound championship :

The archers shoot seventy-two arrows at a distance of 50 m on a target of 122 cm. In the senior 2 men, the cut was set at 44 archers.

Two Lozériens licensed to Archers barrabans position themselves in 34e place for Hervé Chauvet and 41e room for Fabrice Veck. After shooting their seventy-two arrows, Fabrice climbs to 36e place and Hervé finishes just behind 37e.

In the senior 2 ladies category, the cut was set at only 16 archers. Eliane Vigne Archers from Fare ranked 13e ends 14e at the end of the championship.

France outdoor international Olympic arch championship :

The archers shoot seventy-two arrows at a distance of 70 m on a target of 122 cm. To image, the center which counts the maximum of points is not larger than a CD.

In seniors 2, the cut set at 92 archers allows Elyasim Marc-Gravier to First Company of Mende Archers (52e) to participate in these France. He will keep his rank by gaining a small place and finishing 51e.

For seniors 1, the cut is set at 60 archers. We find a great regular at this kind of event. Marc Vigne des Archers from Fare ranked 11e. His goal was a podium but his back and rope arm were diminished by a traffic accident a few weeks before the event. Despite a good score, he will finish 9e.

French Barebow Championship :

This year the Federation has opened the selective outdoor competitions to a new category of weapon: the bare bow (a bow without a sight, without a stabilizer, without a draw control).

However, the French championship was still not open to the category. The average of the three best scores per archer made during the season will establish a ranking.

Among the ladies, Isabelle Chauvet enters the top 10 in France with a 9e place on 55 archers.

Among men, Elyasim Marc-Gravier enters the top 10 France by taking the 8e place on 205 archers.

A great epilogue for this 2022 outdoor archery season.

The appointment is already made for the 2022-2023 season. If you are interested in this sport, clubs are present in Chanac, Chirac, Meyrueis, Saint-Chély-d’Apcher, Florac, Aumont-Aubrac, Langogne, La Canourgue and Mende.


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