BVB: fitness announcement to Niklas Süle | Sports

Not an easy start for Niklas Süle (26)!

The national player came to Dortmund on a free transfer from FC Bayern in the summer as the new leader and is on the new BVB team council. But at the start of the competitive cup match at 1860 Munich (3-0), Süle suffered a muscle injury and has been fighting for fitness and form ever since.

Fitness announcement to Süle!

Sports director Sebastian Kehl (42) now explained in the TV talk “Sky 90”, when asked about Süle’s physical condition: “I think he can improve on this point.”

Kehl continues: “Süle expects the same from himself, he doesn’t want to be substituted on, he wants to play from the start. He will definitely have to get a bit fitter, but that also has something to do with one or the other injury.”

In the (short) appearances against Bremen (2: 3) and at Hertha (1: 0), the defense cabinet (1.95 m) did not look well trained and not very lively.

One thing is certain: Süle (5-time German champion) is fit and a win. At Bayern he achieved a top sprint value of a good 33.66 km/h last season and was a stabilizer on the defensive. Current Süle record: 31.84 km/h against Bremen…

Fitness issues and alleged weight problems are not a new topic for the DFB star. Similar allegations accompanied him during his time in Bayern.

Süle is basically open about the fact that he may not be the flagship professional. After his pot change, he said about the accusation of laziness: “The people who bring something like this into the world only ever see Niklas Süle, who honestly admits that he likes to eat a burger or drink a beer. Yes and? Do you think other professionals don’t do that?”

And he made it clear: “If I had been lazy, I would never have reached the Champions League final after such a serious injury (torn cruciate ligament, editor’s note).”

Kehl’s fitness announcement – in the BVB environment it is said that the scales currently show a few kilos above the optimal weight when Süle stands on them. It’s about time for Dortmund that the DFB star finally got going.


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