Bomb clearance would be “existentially threatening” for Bundesliga basketball team BG Göttingen

Basketball Bundesliga team BG Göttingen was caught off guard on Friday by the news of renewed bomb detection at their home ground, the Sparkassen-Arena. Now the first home game of the BBL season will almost certainly have to be relocated – in the event of a find of explosive ordnance, the violets fear for their existence.

Göttingen. Shock for the basketball Bundesliga team BG Göttingen: Due to further bombings in the immediate vicinity of the Sparkassen-Arena, several home games are on the brink – the BBL home game on Sunday, October 2nd, against Niners Chemnitz will have to be postponed “with a probability bordering on certainty”. reported BG Managing Director Frank Meinertshagen on Friday. And above all: If duds are found during the probing, the BG would have to switch to other halls with the home games in the league, BBL cup and possibly international competition.

After the club had been informed by the city on Friday morning, they immediately asked in the Lokhalle, the former venue. The answer was sobering: the hall is occupied on all dates. As a result, inquiries were made to halls in Kassel, Braunschweig and Hanover.


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