The surprising declaration of Edouard Mendy, the Chelsea goalkeeper: “I see Haaland as I see… Benteke”

Landed at Manchester City after agitating the transfer window for long weeks, Erling Haaland is about to discover the Premier League. An arrival that does not scare Edouard Mendythe guardian of Blues from Chelsea, who compared the Norwegian star to… Christian Benteke.

Great strikers play in the Premier League. Among them Cristiano Ronaldo, Harry Kane, Heung-Min Son and now a certain Erling Haaland, who after walking in the Bundesliga with Dortmund, will try to do the same in England. Asked by Mirror Footballthe Senegalese goalkeeper Édouard Mendy was not impressed with the idea of ​​​​facing the new recruit of the Cityzens : It’s not about a striker or a team. We have to focus on every attacker, on every team we face to win. It’s not because it’s Haaland. I see him as I see Benteke. There is no big difference between City and Crystal Palace. You have to be focused because he’s a striker and he can score“.


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