The opinion on Oviedo and Sporting: No shirts and the “Z” man

The illusion for the new stage in Oviedo is already giving revenues of those that are worth, of those that leave lard in the box: in less than fifteen working days, the blue fans “have aired” all the shirts of the first kit. They say there have been about 1,200. But don’t worry, there are already more, many more on the way. Meanwhile, Marcelo Flores, the great signing of the Pachuca era, is already in the city. He arrives wanting to please and score goals for his new fans. The kid’s commitment, one of the promises of Mexican soccer, is not a bad commitment. Now it only remains to be seen how it moves between the sticky defenses and the systems of first mooring and then playing that is so popular in the Second Division of our “van”.

Meanwhile, 28 kilometers away, that these days will be a few more because of the fact that Abelardo and his boys are on a spiritual retreat in a hotel complex in Alicante, there are also news. Cali Izquierdoz arrives, yes, finished in “z”, a seasoned Argentine central defender who played for Santos Laguna, a sister team of the rojiblancos through Orlegi, and who in recent times has defended the shirt of a whole Boca Juniors. Pitu called for aggressiveness and experience for a center back that has been emptied after the exits of everything there was (Babin, Berrocal, Borja López, Marc Valiente…) and there he has them. See we will see. Summer continues. And surely there are news, listen, man?


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