Terni, in Carsulae and Stroncone the world archery championship: 30 nations from 4 to 10 September

TERNI – From 4 to 10 September in Carsulae, Terni and Stroncone the archery world championship, 3D specialties, with the participation of three hundred and twenty archers, not only Italians.

The athletes will compete in a discipline in which Italy occupies a leading place at the international level. For the occasion of the competitive event, which has the contribution of the Cassa di Risparmio di Terni and Narni Foundation, the artist Simona Angeletti also created a nice mascot red-green.

The initiative, important from a sporting and tourist point of view (the accommodation facilities in the Terni area have already registered a full house for the first ten days of September), was presented at Palazzo Donini in Perugia, seat of the regional council, during a press conference attended by Donatella Teseipresident of the Umbria Region, the regional councilor Enrico Melasecchethe deputy mayor of Terni Benedetta Salvatithe mayor of Stroncone Giuseppe Malvetanithe president of the archers of the city of Terni Stefano Tombesithe president of Coni Umbria Domenico Ignozzathe national president of Fitarco, the Italian Archery Federation, Mario Scarzellathe director of the archaeological area of ​​Carsulae Silvia Casciarri.

And the latter focused on the enhancement of a site, falling within those of the Regional Directorate of Museums of Umbria, which every year attracts a considerable flow of visitors and which is preparing to inaugurate the excavation and restoration. the Roman amphitheater finally made available with a concert by Angelo Branduardi (Sunday 28 August, at 9 pm). In the meantime, tickets for the performance of the pianist and composer have been snapped up Ludovico Einaudi scheduled for Sunday 31 July, at 6 pm.

Delegations are expected from Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, Ivory Coast, Croatia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Great Britain, Germany, Ireland, Israel, Latvia, Mexico, Norway, Poland, Czech Republic, San Marino, Serbia, Slovenia, Spain, Serbia, South America, Sweden, Hungary, Uruguay, USA.


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