Sarah De Bie shocked by Wout van Aert: “Never seen”

Wout van Aert has had a fantastic Tour de France, but that has clearly left its mark.

Mrs. Van Aert clearly appreciates her husband’s achievements. “It was really nice to see, I kept watching every day,” Sarah De Bie tells Het Laatste Nieuws.

“What it’s like to be with the best driver? He just remains the father of our son, and my husband. Although I still have to blink my eyes every day. It’s not normal how many people look up to him.”

The three weeks of the Tour de France have taken their toll. “He suffered very hard in the Tour. Especially in that mountain stage, the day before the time trial. I’ve never seen him so tired. He really had to recharge for those two criteria. But it’s great that he is making such an effort for the fans.”


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