Kenyan Ferdinand Omanyala gets his visa for the 2022 Worlds in extremis

Kenyan sprinter Ferdinand Omanyala, 100m specialist, on June 25, 2022 in Nairobi. AFP –YASUYOSHI CHIBA

Ferdinand Omanyala Omurwa, African champion in June in Mauritius, should be able to participate in the World Championships scheduled for Eugene, Oregon in the United States from July 15 to 24. The Kenyan sprinter had announced, on the morning of Thursday July 14, that he could not line up on the American tracks, for lack of a visa. But a few hours later, his coach Duncan Ayiemba announced that his protege had finally obtained a visa and could arrive just in time to compete on Friday. ” He will have a few hours to rest before competing in the 100 meter heats and possibly qualifying for the semi-finals and finals. “Scheduled Saturday, said Duncan Ayiemba. Ferdinand Omanyala has made astonishing progress over the past year. In September 2021, the Kenyan broke the African record in 9”77 (compared to 9”84 for South African Akani Simbine, the previous record holder). Before this stunt, he always ran in more than 10 seconds and had passed this bar only twice (9”96 then 9”86 a month earlier).

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