HP Football agrees to return US running back Kieodrick Gant – 06/29/2022

HP Football announced, in recent days, the return of North American running back Kieodrick Gant, who will reinforce the team’s squad for the 2022 season. An old acquaintance of fans, the player defended the colors of the Paraná team in 2014.

In Brazil, Kieodrick Gant, who is also known as Keke, has played for Manaus, Santa Cruz Chacais and Porto Alegre Pumpkins in the past decade.

According to HP Football, Keke played for Timberwood Middle School, where he stayed until he was 14. In highschool, he played for the Humble Wildcats, then he went to Tyler Junior College where he played for two years, and finally he played for the University of Houston.

In 2014, Keke defended the colors of HP Football and, according to the club, was an important part in the consolidation of the team and its national projection. At the time, the running back had 78 runs totaling 837 rushing yards, culminating in 13 touchdowns, in addition, he received 7 passes for 157 yards and 3 aerial TDs, according to information from the Paraná team.

HP Football was eliminated in the semifinals of the Paraná Bowl last Sunday by the Brown Spiders. In this way, the team disputes the Brasileirão promoted by the Brazilian Confederation of Football (CBFA) in 2022. The team is in Group B of the elite dispute (D1) alongside Brown Spiders (PR), Coritiba Crocodiles (PR), Guarulhos Rhynos (SP), Santos Tsunami (SP) and Spartans Football (SP) .


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