Boris Becker’s nightmare could continue after his release from prison

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Von: Marius Epp


Boris Becker is currently serving his sentence in Huntercombe prison in London. After that, he faces direct deportation.

London – Is it getting worse for tennis legend Boris Becker? One day, at the latest after the end of his two and a half year sentence, he will be free again. But his personal nightmare could continue after that.

Like the British Home Office of the English newspaper Mirror confirmed, Becker is threatened with deportation from England – even on the day of his release. The immediate deportation of released criminals is common practice in the British judiciary.

Boris Becker faces deportation after imprisonment

As long as the country expulsion remains valid, Becker should no longer enter Great Britain. Becker could take legal action against this regulation. The chances of success are uncertain, for this legal question there does not seem to be any precedent in Great Britain.

Boris Becker is experiencing what is probably the hardest time of his life in prison. © Alberto Pezzali/dpa

So it is not unlikely that Boris Becker will never be allowed to set foot on the island again. All doors are open to him in his native Germany, but London has been the center of the former Wimbledon winner’s life for a decade. A lifetime deportation would also mean that he would no longer be able to do his job as a tennis expert on British television. And that he could never set foot on “his” sacred Wimbledon lawn again.

Boris Becker plays table tennis in prison and is ‘a model inmate’

Becker has been serving his sentence for delaying bankruptcy in London’s Huntercombe prison for three months. A prison source told the Mirror: “He uses all the facilities. He is a model inmate and there have been no incidents.” Other informants told the newspaper that Becker played a lot of table tennis and taught other inmates.

Becker’s former rival John McEnroe would like to visit the 54-year-old. “Boris is my friend. That’s just awful. He is one of the greatest tennis players ever. Boris, we miss you,” he said in one BBC-Broadcast.

While Boris Becker counts the days until his release, his ex-wife Lilly lets it rip on a luxury yacht. (epp)


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