BeGoat Team and Bàsquet Girona reign in Zaragoza

The Zaragoza Open 2022 has left a mark to remember. For its location, at the foot of the emblematic Basilica del Pilar, for the level of the teams and for the support of the local public. Despite the high temperatures experienced throughout the day, the stands have presented an enviable appearance and have once again made Zaragoza the epicenter of the best 3×3 basketball at a national level.

From the first games on Saturday, with a high-intensity women’s group stage, to the three-point contests and the title duels in both categories, the level of basketball has been elite. Not in vain, both the men’s and women’s finals have been decided by a single point, proof of the level of all the participating teams.
The men’s team has given us moments of great emotion, with the current champions in Marbella, Bàsquet Girona, falling in the quarterfinals against a BeGoat Team that has put up an outstanding match to leave the Catalans out and that in the semifinals they found themselves with a Santfeliuenc who had managed to prevail over a combative NomadBall. The first finalist came out of this match thanks to the great victory of BeGoat Team in a match even until the last second and which was decided by a single point, while on the other side of the draw they faced Azuqueca 3×3 and Madrid 3×3, who previously they had beaten KennyBell and 3×3 Pitius, respectively. The duel in the second semi-final was also up to par, with Azuqueca winning 3×3 by 21-17.

It was the turn of the grand final, a meeting not suitable for heart patients that has offered a show according to the event. This time he fell on the side of BeGoat Team, who beat a combative Azuqueca 3×3 by a score of 13-12 to win the Zaragoza Open 2022.

On the women’s side, Bàsquet Girona has dominated in group A with an immaculate record of victories, while BeGoat Team qualified for the semifinals in second place thanks to the victories achieved against Tenkaichi and Delta Team. For its part, in group B it was Elite 3×3 who achieved first place with its three wins, followed by Azuqueca 3×3 as second in the group.

The semifinal crosses have left exciting clashes between Bàsquet Girona and Azuqueca 3×3, which has resulted in the victory of the Catalans by 21-14, and Elite 3×3 against BeGoat Team, with the pass to the final of the visitors thanks to a adjusted 10-13. The match for the championship did not disappoint, with Bàsquet Girona winning the trophy by a tight 20-19 against a BeGoat Team that competed until the last possession.

The awards ceremony for the runners-up in the women’s category was given by Elisa Aguilar, director of competitions for the Spanish Basketball Federation. For their part, the champions received the award from Pedro Meléndez, absolute men’s 3×3 coach and sports director of the Aragonese Basketball Federation.

In the men’s category, Manuel Pérez, project manager for the Herbalife 3×3 Series, presented the runner-up team, while Carlos Alocén, a Real Madrid Basketball player, did the same for the champions. As the culmination of a great Saturday of sports, the leading role at the end of the day was for the singer G Face, who offered a concert that made the public of Zaragoza vibrate to put the icing on a weekend full of emotions.


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