Adverse weekend for Argentine judokas in Europe

Review the Argentine activity around the world, where the national representatives did not have the expected participation.

Mikaela Rojas, in -48 kilos, and Fiona Cúneo, in -63 kilos, they participated in the European Junior Cup in Hungary without being able to reach the podium. While, Keisy Perafan He participated in the Grand Slam of Zagreb, Croatia in -48 kilos senior and could not get a medal either.

Mikaela Rojas and Fiona Cúneo missed out on the next round of the Junior European Cup in Paks, Hungary but will have a rematch in the Czech Republic on July 23-24 in the city of Prague also for the same competition. 380 athletes from 34 nations participated, adding experience to the young Argentine judokas in the old continent.

Meanwhile Perafán, who had already participated in another international tournament last week, could not even access the next round of the Grand Slam in Zagreb after losing to Croatian Inés Filipovic in the first round. She will have her revenge only in the month of September when on the 8th she participates with the Argentine team in the Open in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.

  • Photo of The Curse of the Gymnasts

The next upcoming competition of Argentine judo will be the Junior World Championship in Guayaquil, Ecuador. from August 10 to 13.

Photo: IJF


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