A twist in the negotiation between Sanches and PSG: Milan’s move

Il Paris Saint Germain he would have decided to hold back the negotiation for Renato Sanchesan element that could favor the Milan who in the last period seemed to have overshadowed the track for the Portuguese midfielder.

Now the Milanese club, according to what was reported by Manuele Baiocchini to the microphones of Sky Sport, it would seem willing to close the deal on new conditions. The Lille player would therefore remain one of the favorites for the after Kessié. A role in which, at the moment, Mr. Stefano Pioli can rely on Sandro Tonali, Ismael Bennacer and Rade Krunic if necessary.

Renato Sanches Milan

The 1996 class has returned from two seasons as an absolute protagonist with the Lille shirt. With the French team he made 90 appearances in all competitions, in which he scored 6 goals and 10 assists.

After the colorless interlude at Bayern Munich he relaunched in France and now the time has come for the Portuguese national team midfielder to move to Italy, to Milan.


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