A trip around the world with the Trois Rougiers school to end the year on a high note

June 26 was the day of the fair at the RPI school, Nauviale-Pruines-Mouret. From the morning, great animation in Pruines. Many parents, children and friends crowd into the socio-cultural room.

Once everyone is settled, it’s time for the show with the pupils of Nauviale and Pruines in a room decorated with children’s drawings.

Priority to the kindergarten class to perform the song “Kokoleoco”.

The CE2-CM danced to the music of “If I was on a barge”. Always with enthusiastic applause from the public who were happy to listen and watch the rest: song (CP-CE1) “What does your house look like?”, CE2-CM “Let the sun in”, (maternal dance ), “On the way to Africa”, the song “The wall” with the CE2-CM, “Journey through China” (dance CP-CE1), “Around the world in 80 days” with kindergarten, CP and CE1. To end on a high note, “Terminus”, the adventures and encounters during a trip with the CE2-CM who, through several numbers, including a childbirth scene, have, through their talent and commitment, enchanted and made the audience who did not spare their applause.

Congratulations to Nina for reading the different presentations, the different services.

After the mayor’s congratulations at the end of the show, André Fualdès gave each student a small package with each student’s photo and 2 DVDs.

After the aperitif and the meal, children and adults were able to indulge in various games prepared by the APE: molki, goal shooting, sack race, turn everything upside down, archery. There was also a make-up stand and a children’s raffle.

After looking gray, the sun reappeared and everyone was able to fully enjoy this beautiful afternoon!

Congratulations to the Parents’ Association of Trois Rougiers, to Élodie Alexandre and Brigitte Pouget (Pruines), Sandra Gelly and Laetitia Pelegry (Nauviale) and to all those who contributed to the richness of this day.


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