WNBA assistant at Chicago Sky, Yoann Cabioc’h joins ASVEL

Assistant to Franco-American James Wade at Chicago Sky, Yoann Cabioc’h joined ASVEL as assistant to Pierre Vincent.

Yoann Cabioc’h, 34, is video coordinator at Chicago Sky. He was champion in 2021 and he is still part of the staff of the team which this season has Lyon leader Julie Allemand in its ranks. Since 2019, he has coached the USLG Cherbourg-en-Cotentin women’s team in LF2.

« We are very happy that Yoann is joining us in Lyon. He is used to working with women’s teams and he aspired to reach the top level. We will benefit from his dual experience in France and in the WNBA in the summer, where he is in contact with the greatest players.,” commented Deputy Chair, Marie-Sophie Obama.

Pictured: Ann Wauters, Yoann Cabioc’h, and James Wade with former US President Barack Obama.

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