Unibox | training and basketball

For those of us who have experienced this basketball there is (or should not be) anything worse or more unpleasant than knowing that some of your players who were once promises of this game find themselves, once their sports stage is over, in a job situation difficult and uncertain future.

And it is that when we assume any type of role, whether in the managerial or technical order, which has to do with the future of very young people, when at our proposal (from the corresponding coaches or from the talent scouts, players are awarded scholarships that, as consequence they have to leave their home, their family, their city and even their country), we immediately incur an enormous responsibility of which we are often not fully aware, which forces us to serve them extraordinarily well in sports, in their physical improvement -technical-tactical, but also emotionally, in his adaptation to everything new, his studies and other aspects of life. Because we must protect them from the extremely high level of demand that we are going to impose and from the frustration that not meeting the expectations generated by ourselves, others, family members and the club may produce in the years to come. This can confuse them in their true priorities, which cannot be just that of becoming great sports stars or not, which, on the other hand, will always be subject to great difficulties and multiple imponderables.

The defense of the interests of a club should never collide with that of the athletes, because their subsequent performance will also largely depend on their comprehensive training, because their future as players and, what is much more important, as people, it cannot run the risk of ending up in the attic of broken toys in the hands of just anyone, as happens too often, of what could have been and was not.

A veritable rout of young European talents to American universities is taking place, revealing an entire system that needs revision

It is about having a vital experience that is worth positive for the rest of their lives, no matter what happens; that they enjoy and open themselves to the great opportunity that professional sport offers them but assuming the strictly necessary risks and never from the unconsciousness or from the selfishness of coaches, parents, agents or clubs who want to take advantage of or put on the talent medals as if this belonged to them, exchanging enthusiasm and attention with those who are yet to come or “yes, I’ve seen you, I don’t remember”, devouring without flinching, one after another, projects and illusions.

For some time now, especially in recent years, there has been a veritable rout of young European talents to American universities through scholarships that make their academic training compatible with sports training, which reveals a whole system that needs revision and, above all, to those academy models who care more about the latter than the former without offering the facilities that an athlete and a good student need. This ends up producing in the clubs, in many cases, a feeling of impotence and ingratitude for not seeing the investment made in these boys rewarded, either in effort and money, along with the uncertainty that comes from not knowing how they could retain or reinstate them one day. to your templates.

At this very moment there are many parents of good athletes who are considering this possibility and wondering if this is the best option for their children, but if something is proven, whatever they do, it is that the path is absolutely unique and that should mythologize nothing. There are many American benefits at these ages, as they offer an unparalleled personal adventure, knowledge of another culture and language, and compatible sports and academic development, but that does not mean that it is sufficient to guarantee success and the achievement of all objectives. that will also depend on the adaptability of each one, which university it is, the academic excellence it offers, in which division it militates, the coach that touches it, its sports program…

Talent makes its way like water here or there, although I generally believe that competitive maturity is reached more quickly in Spain, as long as you work in a dynamic of the highest level, of which there are many examples, without ever forgetting that, today, the effort required to combine basketball and studies will unfortunately be much greater here. What I can guarantee you is that what is going to be absolutely decisive is that these girls and boys have a serene family environment with their feet on the ground, that knows how to respect their tastes but shares with them, influences them and demands their children realism and responsibility in decision-making that allows them to face a happy and fulfilling future within, but also outside, of basketball.


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