Train chaos before Pentecost because of the 9-euro ticket: two overcrowded trains have to stop, dense crowds on the train tracks in Berlin – Berlin

Train chaos before Pentecost because of the 9-euro ticket: two overcrowded trains have to stop, dense crowds on the train tracks in Berlin – Berlin

The wave of travel at Pentecost led to dense crowds on the platforms and full trains at Berlin Central Station. After the start of the 9-euro ticket, there was a great rush on the regional trains to Stralsund and Rostock on Saturday morning.

There were delays, as a dpa reporter observed. Numerous travelers could not find a seat and stood in the aisles. Because the RE5 regional train to Rostock was overcrowded, travelers with bicycles could not board.

Federal police officers were increasingly on the platforms. A spokesman for the Berlin Federal Police Directorate said there was a high number of travelers. A particularly high occupancy rate is expected because of the 9-euro ticket.

“We are in constant contact with the employees of the railways in order to support their measures – if necessary,” said the spokesman. Officials would have already helped on Friday when trains to Stralsund and Rostock were overcrowded at Berlin-Gesundbrunnen station. Travelers were asked to disembark.

According to the RBB, an apparently overcrowded train had to be stopped at Berlin-Gesundbrunnen station on Friday afternoon. The RE5 to Rostock stood in the station for about an hour and then continued.

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As the “Berliner Morgenpost” reported, the first train towards Rostock had to stop involuntarily in Kratzeburg in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania due to a door malfunction on Saturday. The train was also overcrowded, the staff could not reach the control cabinets. Here, too, the federal police were requested to clear the regional train if necessary, writes the “Morgenpost”.

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According to Deutsche Bahn regional trains, there is particularly high demand for trains to tourist destinations. For example, numerous tourists and day visitors arrived on Sylt by train on Saturday. The trains are packed, and the car trains are fully booked, a dpa photographer reported on Saturday afternoon. Many train passengers arrived in a party mood. A police spokesman emphasized that the situation on Sylt was calm.

In some places, travelers with bicycles could not board regional trains. In a regional express from Berlin towards the Baltic Sea, a train attendant fought her way through the overcrowded train on Saturday morning. She climbed over children, suitcases and small dogs, cursing. The humidity felt like it was tropical 100 percent.

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The mood of the inspector, on the other hand, was at zero. With a Berlin snout, she let out her frustration about the 9-euro ticket because of the stressful situation on the train. “I can’t help this situation either. I don’t like the rules either. But we don’t do them. It’s the fault of those up there.”

And from a regional train from the main station to BER airport, a young man who wanted to go on a trip to the Spreewald texted his girlfriend: “It’s hell.”

Bachelors with canned beer: “Next time handcart again”

Things were not necessarily different in other parts of the country. The S3 between Karlsruhe and Heidelberg: On Saturday morning, the whole region seems to want to use its 9-euro ticket, the train is so full that no more passengers can get on from Sandhausen.

“I have to go to work,” complains a woman, but still squeezes into the wagon. At every station it takes half an eternity until the train can start again. A group of bachelors takes it with humor over canned beer. “Next time we’ll take the handcart again.”

Deutsche Bahn: “If you can, you should do without the bike”

“As expected, regional trains, especially to tourist destinations, are in very high demand today,” said a spokesman for Deutsche Bahn on request. Passengers should find out more from the local transport associations or via the DB Navigator shortly before starting their journey. In view of the high occupancy rate, it cannot be guaranteed that travelers will be able to take their bicycles with them. “Anyone who can should therefore do without the bike.”

[Berlin ist doch auch schön: Was Sie so alles in den Kiezen der Hauptstadt unternehmen können, lesen Sie in unseren Bezirksnewslettern. Hier geht’s zum Gratis-Abo.]

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Pentecost is usually always busy on the railways. This year, the 9-euro ticket will be added, with which holders can travel throughout Germany on local public transport in June, July and August. The Pentecost weekend is considered the first test for the discount campaign.

At the start of the cheap ticket on June 1st, demand in Berlin alone had skyrocketed again. While the BVG had sold 450,000 of these tickets by last Sunday, it was already 930,000 by Saturday. However, the nine-euro ticket had no effect on bus and subway operations in the capital. According to a BVG spokesman, the control center registered “regular operation”. The number of passengers was therefore completely normal and corresponded to the usual level at the weekend. (with dpa)


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